What is Space2connect?
These are both physical and virtual spaces that offer the possibility for their members to connect, not only with of ces and meeting rooms, but also with weekly events. The idea is that through our events members network to create a culture of collaboration that enhances ideas, projects and businesses, offering the necessary tools to help take people and companies to the next level in their projects.

Space2connect Means opportunities. It means the oppor- tunity to be able to relate directly to the entire business ecosystem. In our spaces you can nd from freelancers and startups, to large corporations that through the de- velopment of the culture of collaboration, become more productive, more creative and ef cient. Space2connect is a new way of life that leads you to live happier and more committed to what you do every day.
Our space is in the heart of Marbella in the main avenue of Ricardo Soriano.
At Space2connect we have thought about your needs and we understand that you can only need a physical address. If you don't need to rent a space, but you do need a Co- rrespondence and a postal address. We are your choice.
Did you know that the term co-working comes from the crisis in Silicon Valley in the year 2000 when people lost their jobs but had the skills to work on the Internet? Obviously you're not as productive working from home. So he deci- des to create the new shared workplace. In Space2con- nect you will nd independent professionals with quali ed people and several sectors willing to carry out big projects.